Download file as SVG, PNG, JPG, etc. (Browsers only)

It is possible to download an SVG file in various formats (svg, png, jpg, etc.) in a browser environment. You can specify either an SVG string directly, or an SVG document.

An example with SVG string:

import { download } from 'mz-svg';

const svgString = '...'; // any SVG as string

const res = await download({
    outfileName: 'my-svg', // optional file name ---> my-svg.svg
    ext: 'svg', // optional file extension ---> svg, png, jpg, etc.

An example with SVG document:

import { download } from 'mz-svg';

const $svg = ...; // get an SVG document from somewhere...

const res = await download({
    outfileName: 'my-svg', // optional file name ---> my-svg.svg
    ext: 'svg', // optional file extension ---> svg, png, jpg, etc.

The result object (res) has the following signature:

    isError: boolean;
    msg?: string;